Registration Details

Participant Confirmation and Waiver Statement:

By signing below, you are confirming your participation in the San Joaquin Valley Portuguese Festival parade(s). All parade entries will receive one (1) event wristband per participant. The wristband will give access to the festival and all concerts.

LIABILITY DISCLAIMER : The applicant signing this confirmation understands and agrees to assume all risk for loss, damage, liability injury, cost or expense that may arise during or be caused in any way by participating in the San Joaquin Valley Portuguese Festival. The applicant further agrees that in consideration of being permitted to participate in the festival, he/she will defend, indemnify and hold the Carlos Vieira Foundation and their agents and employees harmless from any loss, claims and liability or damages and/or injuries to persons and property that in anyway may be caused by the applicant’s participation and the use or occupancy of the Stanislaus County Fairgrounds.
I/We, the undersigned, have read and agree to the above statement.