SJVPF Vendor Application Form

Vendor Event Date: Saturday, April 12, 2025 | Application Deadline: February 28, 2025
*****Items listed are “proposed only” until accepted/confirmed by Carlos Vieira Foundation****
If your application is approved, you will be contacted no later than three (3) weeks after application submission to confirm your participation and answer any questions. After you receive notification of approval, all event fees (including deposit), health department forms (food vendors only), and proof of $1 million general liability insurance is due within two weeks. If required documents and payment are not received within the allotted time, the vendor will forfeit their spot at the festival. Once submitted and approved, there will be no refunds.


The applicant is an authorized agent of the group submitting this application. The applicant (and/or his/her) organization making this application understand and agree to the vendor agreement as found on the last two pages of the our PDF application (click here to view). The applicant understands that booths may be asked to shut down if terms and guidelines are not followed. The applicant (and/or his/her) organization making this application understand and agree to assume all risk for loss, damage, liability injury, cost or expense that may arise during or be caused in any way by such use or occupancy of the facilities of the Stanislaus County Fairgrounds.

The applicant further agrees that in consideration of being permitted to have a booth at said event and facility, he/she and the business/organization will defend, indemnify and hold the Carlos Vieira Foundation/Stanislaus County Fairgrounds and their agents and employees, harmless from any loss, claims and liability or damages and/or injuries to persons and property that in anyway may be caused by the applicant’s use or occupancy of the Stanislaus County Fairgrounds. Absolutely no refunds!

I/We, the undersigned, have read the above statement and received a copy of the event guidelines and agree to comply with them.

Volunteer Now!

We are always looking for amazing people to join our organization and volunteer their time.  From events all over to simple fundraisers, we always have a need for more volunteers.